Advertising Disclaimer

Thank you for visiting Neveflory. This Advertising Disclaimer aims to provide transparency regarding the advertising practices on our website. Please read this disclaimer to understand how advertisements are displayed on Neveflory and how they contribute to our revenue generation.

Advertising Networks

Neveflory may participate in various advertising networks, including but not limited to Google AdSense. These networks display advertisements on our webpages based on factors such as your browsing history, interests, and website content. The ads served by these networks are identified as “Ads by Google” or labeled with similar designations.

Please note that Neveflory has limited control over the specific ads shown by advertising networks. The selection, placement, and relevance of these ads are determined automatically by the advertising networks, often based on algorithms and user data.

Revenue Generation

The advertisements displayed on Neveflory, including those served by advertising networks, are intended to generate revenue for our website. We may earn compensation when users click on ads. This revenue helps sustain and support Neveflory by covering operational costs, content creation, hosting, and other associated expenses.

User Responsibility

We encourage users of Neveflory to exercise their own judgment and discretion when interacting with advertisements. Clicking on an ad will lead you to third-party websites. It is important to review the privacy policies and terms of use of these external sites before providing personal information or engaging in any transactions.

Changes to this Disclaimer

This Advertising Disclaimer may be updated periodically to reflect changes in our advertising practices or partnerships. We recommend reviewing this page periodically for any updates.

If you have any questions, concerns, or inquiries regarding our advertising practices or this Advertising Disclaimer, please reach out to us using the contact information provided on Neveflory.